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12 Jun To Choose or not to Choose

Too Many Choices

Leg-room, anyone? The CEO of a major Airline recently stated that a-la-carte pricing of flight upgrades (such as extra baggage, preferred seating and food) is better because Americans demand “choice“. I remember my knee-jerk reaction: “Yeah – and they are choosing discount airlines that don’t charge for what was once part of the bargain.” It […]

09 Jun The End of Code

Joe's Ontology

09 Jun AI Apps and Processes

Apps Section Logo

26 May Natural Language

Language and Dialog

16 May [Genesereth 1987]

14 May [Chorafas 1992]

14 May [Barry 1996]

14 May [Allen 1987]

14 May [Ahuja 1986]

08 Mar The Game of Meanings