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05 Sep Fuzzy Idea Wars in Always Never Land

Fuzzy Brain

Joe Roushar – September 2015 Trusted Rx How should a digital device answer a “Should I…” question? “Should I put on my left shoe first, or my right?” “Should I take the alternate route to avoid traffic? “Should I get a more fuel-efficient automobile?” “That stock price is lower, so should I buy now, or is […]

06 Aug Data Convergence at Velocity

Volume Velocity and Variety

Joe Roushar – August 2015 Knowledge workers in all types of organizations need information in internal (to the organization) databases, intranet sites and documents, as well as information in external databases, web pages and documents. The promise of data convergence includes the lofty goal of providing, from a single request, structured and unstructured information from both internal […]

11 May Thinking in Parallel

Parallel Lines

A Parallel Expert I once rode the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Ulan-Batar, Mongolia (not the picture at right – the engines were diesel). Several times along the journey we passed slower trains, and we were passed by faster ones. When people and freight are confined to a single lane, the speed of the slowest defines the speed of […]

23 Feb [ter Hofstede 2010]

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23 Feb Inference in Knowledge Apps

Thinking Process

In Section 5 we discussed different kinds of knowledge, including existential or hierarchical knowledge and causal knowledge. In Section 7 we discussed modeling approaches and search techniques that could be applied to any kind of knowledge. We saw that causal knowledge can be modeled as chains of causes and effects, and that existential knowledge can be […]

08 Feb Just In Time Knowledge

Coin Toss Masks

One of the beautiful things about the human brain is it’s adaptability: people can “change” their minds at the last minute based on the changing situation (context). This is not trivial, but I believe that it is one of the characteristics of human cognition that is relatively straightforward to mimic in computer programs and apps. In […]

28 Jan Summarization and Translation Domains

Multi-National Translation

Translation as A Sample Domain For our sample domain, we need something that requires expertise, is not trivial, and about which the author knows something. This limits us significantly, so we are taking the easy way out and going with the domain of Machine Translation (MT) of human languages. We considered the intricacies of communication […]

26 Jan Give Me Smart Requirements


I know how to solve this problem! I’ll just blast it to smithereens – Fire – Aim – Ready. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been explored and developed in universities and startup companies throughout the developed world for decades, but is still struggling to reach the mainstream. There are many companies that effectively use intelligent processes and […]