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08 Feb The Power of Inference

Joe Roushar – February 2024 Sense Perception and Cognition What can you infer about the things in this picture: Our senses are constantly feeding information to our brains, but how much can we trust? Inference is guesswork performed by the frontal cortex based on circuitous electrical signal pathways from the sensory parts of the brain, […]

10 Jun Knowledge is the New Foundation for Success

Interconnected Process and Content

Joe Roushar – June 2020 Retooling for The Beginning of a New Age This year, 2020 will be the turning point in AI adoption because successful implementations will be available to small and large organizations without breaking the bank. Success will be measured in specific business value achieved. Affordability will dramatically improve because of AI […]

12 Jul Anatomy of Insight: Prediction and Qualitative BI

Anatomy of Insight

Joe Roushar – July 2018 Not just any body Body is a versatile word as it has broad application. In the context of astronomy, we describe celestial bodies. In topographical mapping, there are bodies of water. But in my interactions, I most often encounter “body” in the context of human physiology. The word, “body” implies […]

07 Dec Curating Digital Meaning


Joe Roushar – December 2016 That should be in a museum I think of museums when I hear about curating. Meaning is, in a strange way, an artifact, simultaneously ancient and modern. Meaning has existed as long as perception has existed in the most rudimentary forms of life. For the purposes of my blog, I […]

30 Nov Architecting Meaningful Relationships


Joe Roushar – November 2016 Getting the Knowledge Out How do you know — anything? Chemicals and electrical impulses splash around in the brain, and voila: we understand the meaning of life, the universe and everything. We have looked at how synapses connect neurons, and how taxonomical and other associations connect concepts, but is it […]

20 Oct High 5s of Intelligent Information Modeling

Information Transformation

Joe Roushar – October 2015 Quantitative data is easy to make into useful information by establishing correct associations and providing human experts with the right slicing and dicing tools. But in its native format, data is not independently meaningful. Many qualitative content sources are narrative, born as whole information. Such content is advanced beyond data because of the built-in associations, but inevitably […]

11 May Thinking in Parallel

Parallel Lines

A Parallel Expert I once rode the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Ulan-Batar, Mongolia (not the picture at right – the engines were diesel). Several times along the journey we passed slower trains, and we were passed by faster ones. When people and freight are confined to a single lane, the speed of the slowest defines the speed of […]