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22 Jun [Hockney 1988]

21 Jun [McChrystal 2015]

09 Jan 2017 – The Year of AI


Joe Roushar – January 2017 Intelligent but Artificial Recently, January 5th, 2017, on my ride into work I was listening to BBC World Update with Dan Damon, as I often do, and heard him interviewing someone about the new artificial intelligence (AI) app for the British National Health Service from Babylon Health (similar story on […]

07 Dec Curating Digital Meaning


Joe Roushar – December 2016 That should be in a museum I think of museums when I hear about curating. Meaning is, in a strange way, an artifact, simultaneously ancient and modern. Meaning has existed as long as perception has existed in the most rudimentary forms of life. For the purposes of my blog, I […]

30 Nov Architecting Meaningful Relationships


Joe Roushar – November 2016 Getting the Knowledge Out How do you know — anything? Chemicals and electrical impulses splash around in the brain, and voila: we understand the meaning of life, the universe and everything. We have looked at how synapses connect neurons, and how taxonomical and other associations connect concepts, but is it […]

18 Nov [van Eijck 2010]

20 Oct High 5s of Intelligent Information Modeling

Information Transformation

Joe Roushar – October 2015 Quantitative data is easy to make into useful information by establishing correct associations and providing human experts with the right slicing and dicing tools. But in its native format, data is not independently meaningful. Many qualitative content sources are narrative, born as whole information. Such content is advanced beyond data because of the built-in associations, but inevitably […]

05 Sep Fuzzy Idea Wars in Always Never Land

Fuzzy Brain

Joe Roushar – September 2015 Trusted Rx How should a digital device answer a “Should I…” question? “Should I put on my left shoe first, or my right?” “Should I take the alternate route to avoid traffic? “Should I get a more fuel-efficient automobile?” “That stock price is lower, so should I buy now, or is […]

23 Feb Inference in Knowledge Apps

Thinking Process

In Section 5 we discussed different kinds of knowledge, including existential or hierarchical knowledge and causal knowledge. In Section 7 we discussed modeling approaches and search techniques that could be applied to any kind of knowledge. We saw that causal knowledge can be modeled as chains of causes and effects, and that existential knowledge can be […]