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23 Jul Rete algorithm

Rete is latin for net, and it is an algorithm that breaks rules down into left and right sides and treats them as nodes in a network.

The following explanation was borrowed from

“The typical rule-based program has a fixed set of rules while the working memory changes continuously. However, it is an empirical fact that, in most rule-based programs, much of the working memory is also fairly fixed from one rule operation to the next. Athough new facts arrive and old ones are removed at all times, the percentage of facts that change per unit time is generally fairly small. For this reason, the obvious implementation for the rule engine is very inefficient. This obvious implementation would be to keep a list of the rules and continuously cycle through the list, checking each one’s left-hand-side (LHS) against the working memory and executing the right-hand-side (RHS) of any rules that apply. This is inefficient because most of the tests made on each cycle will have the same results as on the previous iteration. However, since the working memory is stable, most of the tests will be repeated. You might call this the rules finding facts approach and its computational complexity is of the order of O(RF^P), where R is the number of rules, P is the average number of patterns per rule LHS, and F is the number of facts on the working memory. This escalates dramatically as the number of patterns per rule increases.”

“The Rete algorithm is implemented by building a network of nodes, each of which represents one or more tests found on a rule LHS. Facts that are being added to or removed from the working memory are processed by this network of nodes. At the bottom of the network are nodes representing individual rules. When a set of facts filters all the way down to the bottom of the network, it has passed all the tests on the LHS of a particular rule and this set becomes an activation. The associated rule may have its RHS executed (fired) if the activation is not invalidated first by the removal of one or more facts from its activation set.”

“Within the network itself there are broadly two kinds of nodes: one-input and two-input nodes. One-input nodes perform tests on individual facts, while two-input nodes perform tests across facts and perform the grouping function. Subtypes of these two classes of node are also used and there are also auxiliary types such as the terminal nodes mentioned above.”

[Forgy 1982]

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