Tag Archives: cognitive modeling
08 Mar In the Middle of a Big Wide World

The guy on the previous post (Your Personal Bubble) represents your typical office worker who sees himself as part of a universal hierarchy or taxonomy, though not exactly where he’d rather be in the big wide world. Each moment, we each learn from our own vantage point. While we can learn about all physical things, from […]
06 Mar Inference in the Face of Uncertainty

Do you know what I’m about to say? If your mind were not able to race ahead of the words and build a set of expectations about what comes next, you may not be able to understand me speaking or writing. But you can predict a lot more than your conscious awareness tells you. A […]
05 Mar Decide on Fuzzy Logic

In this section of Understanding Context, we describe not just how people think, but how they use their thoughts to guide their actions. We are particularly concerned with how people integrate multiple ideas or constraints into their thinking and decision-making processes, then put those decisions into action. It is sometimes said that the difference between information […]
04 Mar Gnosticism, Mysticism and Hard Knowledge

Neural Network science describes oft rejected explicit knowledge in neurons as “gnostic cells” or “gramma cells” suggesting one neuron knows about gramma. Not all scientists agree with associationist theories that explain learning in the context of things that pre-exist in memory. In fact, an entire school of thought flatly rejects explicit representations that form the core […]
03 Mar Images in Thinking

More or Less Remembering Memory is a subjective thing. Will we ever be able to teach a computer what is memorable in art, music, literature or cinema? A great illustration of memory’s subjectivity is the song from Gigi entitled, “Ah, yes, I remember it well.” In the song’s lyrics, a woman and a man recount […]
01 Mar Hold Onto the Memories

When you see Grandmother, is there a cell or cluster of cells in your brain that light up and say: “I recognize that face – It’s Grandmother!” The Grandmother cell theory suggests that there is such a cell or group of cells where that knowledge is explicitly stored. Earlier posts included a discussion of feature selectivity […]
28 Feb Sense-Perception and Memory

I Recall… Since we have been discussing learning in the past few posts, it seems appropriate to talk about memory here as well. Of course, we are talking about human memory, but computers can remember quite well, too. In fact memory is one of the few areas where it is universally agreed that computers are […]
27 Feb Chomsky, Locke and Aristotle on Learning Language

Inherited Abilities In systems design, there is a growing trend to “hard code” less into the system and leave more to be configured by the person or organization that is using the software. The growth of Rules and Workflow Engines that can be managed by non-technical users is prime evidence of this trend. And yet, the complex instruction […]