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13 Mar Intro to Understanding Context

Understanding It has been said that it is not possible to fully understand another person’s meaning without inhabiting their experiences and their current state of mind. And yet, communication is often completely successful. The most effective communications are between people who empathize well and avoid applying their own biases when listening to others. For humans, […]

24 Feb Intro to the End of Code

Punched Card Stack

By: Joe Roushar – February 2013 In the Beginning When computer programming began, it consisted mostly of written computer instructions called code. Data was minimal. Decks of dozens to hundreds of punched cards told the computer what to do with the data, which was also encoded on punched cards. The process of writing and debugging code was tremendously tedious. As computing […]

27 Dec Microtubules

Microtubule Isozymes

Microtubules Neurons have hundreds of MT distributed in the soma and in the axon and dendrites. Microtubules, like IF, are filamentous organelles that form the cytoskeleton of neurons. Their cylindrical, composite polymers comprise part of the cytoskeletal infrastructure of cells. Their cylinders are long, and they possess a distinct polarity. Their surfaces are composed of spherical tubulin in columns […]

06 Aug Finding yourself in the Hippocampus


On October 6, 2014, the Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet awarded The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine to John O´Keefe and to May‐Britt Moser and Edvard I. Moser for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain. John O´Keefe is Director of the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre in Neural Circuits […]

02 Jul Centers of Attention and Consciousness

Cybernetics and Context

Can software be conscious? I remember when PC software began to appear that would keep listening after you closed the main program (TSR or Terminate but Stay Resident). Most of those functions migrated to Operating Systems. Operating Systems have grown to occupy a huge footprint on the computer and perform a vast array of functions. Might it be […]

20 Jun Allusion of Clarity

Abstract Dialog

Speaking to an associate at work I told him that a certain tool allows us to perform a complex technical change “with impunity”. My intent was to point out that without the tool, the change would create major ripple effects, breaking large amounts of code that would need to be fixed. He said that he would restate […]

09 Jun Perception and Cognition

Sensory Perception