Tag Archives: decision support systems
14 Jan Segregating Layers of Intelligence

Layered Architectures Layers appear regularly in my blog, whether it’s layers of the brain, layers of processing nodes in artificial neural networks or layers in systems architectures. Layering embodies important patterns in the inexorable move toward a knowledge economy with knowledge systems. In today’s post, I’m going to talk about what layering brings to enterprise […]
07 Jan What’s in a Decision

A decision by any other name would feel as risky Take any class of software and you can find some structures or processes that you can associate back to some human-like structure or processes. To keep this more simple and relevant, I am focused on looking at systems that are fundamentally designed to replicate more […]
12 Jun To Choose or not to Choose

Leg-room, anyone? The CEO of a major Airline recently stated that a-la-carte pricing of flight upgrades (such as extra baggage, preferred seating and food) is better because Americans demand “choice“. I remember my knee-jerk reaction: “Yeah – and they are choosing discount airlines that don’t charge for what was once part of the bargain.” It […]