Tag Archives: metadata
08 Nov AI-BI-CI: Steps to Better Decisions

By: Joe Roushar – November 2018 AI: Artificial Intelligence Can you understand the things you observe and use them to make better decisions? Random colored dots that seem chaotic up close, when arranged by an artist in a pointillist painting, can become richly meaningful and appealing. The dots may have great variety in color and […]
27 Jun Enterprise Meta-Model Governance

Joe Roushar – June 2016 Is knowledge important to you or your organization? What value does it bring? Are there types of knowledge that are more valuable than others? Do you know where your knowledge is right now, and what it’s doing? Business Knowledge comes in multiple flavors. Business Information systems are used to process data or […]
14 Apr Knowledge Value-Chain Instrumentation

The information lifecycle is like a game of telephone – by the time a message gets to the end of the line it is often radically different than it was in the beginning. But this is usually OK because business information is not a game, and there are well-defined processes that bring about each transformation in the […]
27 Feb Six Reasons Businesses are Implementing Semantics

The wave is coming. I spent some quality time last summer in a large consumer products manufacturer in Cincinnati helping architect semantic capabilities to automate tasks in chemical compliance for selling a large number of products in dozens of countries, each with hundreds of rules that apply to thousands of chemicals constituents. You can imagine the combinatorial explosion. […]