Tag Archives: Neuromorphic Computing
18 Aug Neuromorphic Computing

To Mimic is Human When is imitation not flattering or sincere? I try to be sincere in my blogging, and I have tried not to unnecessarily emphasize the computing ability of the human brain, but the whole point of this blog is to imitate it using computers. A neuromorphic (resembling the brain and/or neurons) computing model […]
05 Jul Motor Center Structure and Function

The past few posts in this section have focused on the Cerebrum where thought seems to be centered: we may compare this to a computer. The Cerebellum is where signals for the muscles’ motor control originate: we may compare this to a robot. My point in looking at this is to reinforce the heterogeneity perspective (i.e. […]
15 Jun Natural Intelligence

The Gross Anatomy of Smart The biology of understanding is not fully understood. But there are some things we can infer from what we know about how the brain works that may help us in modeling smarter systems. I love looking inside the brain for clues on what it does so I can help design […]