Category Archives: Communication
10 Apr Talking About Computational Linguistics

Computational Linguistics Today Massive strides have been made in the cognitive definition of thought, perception, culture and language. The interaction or kinship of all these elements of the human experience is also better defined. This combined work has increased our self-awareness and provided the basis for synthesizing and modeling automata to extend our abilities and […]
31 Mar Truth, Belief and Confidence

Establishing frameworks for truth, belief and confidence can be part of raising a child and part of building a more intelligent system. Parents in households of faith often feel a compelling need to teach their children about things that are outside the realm of scientific discovery. In espionage, intelligence analysts review information collected by agents, electronic snoops, and […]
19 Mar At the Edge of Possibility

Does the universe of probability have boundaries? Are there physical laws that control all phenomena, or is there a mystical, capricious random power out there that is not subject to the laws of physics? Is anything impossible? Physical laws are responsible for thresholds. Let us presume, for a moment, that probability is subject to one overriding […]
11 Mar Joe’s Theory of Everything

While my teachers explained that language is about nouns and verbs, I think language is about symbolically representing everything and communicating about anything to anyone. There are many ways to look at the milieu in which we live from the tiniest sub-atomic particle on up. One way is to look at the larger context of […]
12 Feb Conscious Phenomena

Conscious Phenomena For the past few posts, I have been exploring consciousness. Extra-sensory perception is a part, or an extension of consciousness. Are you sometimes psychic? Some people have truly remarkable extra-sensory capabilities while others do not. I read a short story by Ursula K. Le Guin, though I can’t for the life of me remember the […]
07 Feb Mindfulness

Imagine being able to flip a switch and get quantitative and qualitative improvements to your intelligence. Mindfulness, in the form of directing your attention or focus can induce changes in the structure and function of the brain. When I was in school, I learned that taking notes helped me not only focus better on what I […]
16 Jan Roots of Neural Nets

Roots of Neural Nets The concept of the modern Artificial Neural Systems (ANS) has its roots in the work of psychologists and philosophers as well as computer scientists. As mentioned in prior posts, Aristotelian theories on cognition and logic influenced the development of automata theory and associationism, spawning connectionism or parallel distributed processing (PDP) theory. Connectionism is the […]