Tag Archives: computing
11 May Thinking in Parallel

A Parallel Expert I once rode the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Ulan-Batar, Mongolia (not the picture at right – the engines were diesel). Several times along the journey we passed slower trains, and we were passed by faster ones. When people and freight are confined to a single lane, the speed of the slowest defines the speed of […]
27 Dec Visualization Deception

The differences between the way computers think about things and the way humans process information can create significant dissonance and opportunities for misunderstanding. Both are in the business of finding answers, but approaches differ. While for humans, things we see with our eyes may be earliest and foremost in our thought process, it is almost always the […]
03 Dec Co-Responsibility in Hybrid IT

Operational Continuity takes a Village Today’s post departs from my current stream of topics because I am thinking about this subject often lately. I apologize for the ambiguous title, but I think it encapsulates what I want to talk about. “Hybrid IT” is a way of describing the technology supporting an organization in which the […]
19 Feb Dichotomy vs. Continuum

Consciousness, it appears from our recent discussion, is not an “on or off” proposition. We have subconsciousness, waking consciousness, consciousness during sleep, and so on. Before that we spoke of the yin and yang of perception and learning. Since the subject of this series is cybernetics, we shall diverge from our discussion of consciousness long […]
21 Jun The Coming Revolution

Another Revolution in Computing – Knowledge Processing Where cognition and computation converge…the brink of the coming revolution? As James Bailey puts it, “The reason today’s electronic computers seem benign is that the true electronic revolution has not happened yet.” Bailey compares our current phase of computerization to the stage of history “when muscle tasks were […]