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30 Dec Context Models

Model Plane

Building a Model The goals of the research that evolved into Understanding Context were twofold: to investigate human physiology/psychology for clues that would let us evaluate neuromorphic computational paradigms; and to explore the possibility of new computational models using context to correlate and associate concepts. Birds fly and they are lightweight. Building models of flight with lightweight materials works […]

31 Oct Modeling Biological Systems

Possible Mechanisms of Learning, Memory and Cognition In the first section of this blog, I talked about the brain, as a whole, to establish a framework for the discussion of natural intelligence. In this section, I have delved into the inner workings of neurons, themselves to ensure we understand how complex they are, and where we […]

29 Oct DNA and Biocomplexity

DNA Abstract

Bio-Complexity Before I can feel comfortable designing a machine or software that can perform brain-like tasks, I want to understand the brain and the broader context in which it develops and operates. The last thing I want to do is over-simplify my assumptions and fail in my design. Nor do I want to over-complexify. I don’t […]

04 Aug Context of Knowing, Thinking and Believing

Understanding Intent

There may be an incontrovertible thing out there called “truth.” But it seems quite elusive to me. In Japanese it is very polite to append just about any declarative sentence, any assertion of knowledge with “to omoimasu” (と思います) meaning I think. By being less committal, we save the other people in the conversation from embarrassment because their […]

20 Apr Digital Presence and Immortality

Plato Lao Tzu Jesus Christ

Immortality? I’ve heard it said that a person was “immortalized” in such and such a painting, sculpture or poem. Unless you pack the burial with all the images of a person, the fact that those images outlast the decaying body may be a form of immortality. Are authors immortal? I’m rereading All’s Well, and I […]

31 Mar Asymmetrical Balance, True Love and Chaos

Background Thought

Inequality is the Pattern Unequal distributions characterize everything in the universe from subatomic particles to galaxies. In fact the whole idea of “equality” in the physical universe seems at least a tiny bit sketchy. At the extreme end of unequal distributions is chaos. On the near end are things that approximate equality: balance, parity, equal opportunity, symmetry […]

13 Mar Intro to Understanding Context

Understanding It has been said that it is not possible to fully understand another person’s meaning without inhabiting their experiences and their current state of mind. And yet, communication is often completely successful. The most effective communications are between people who empathize well and avoid applying their own biases when listening to others. For humans, […]

10 Mar Biological Brains – Section 1 Intro

Brain Sparks

In this segment of the Understanding Context Blog, I will take a high level look at the brain: Its areas, Cell types, And functions. I’ll also explore where the brain stores and processes different types of information, including emotions. Studying the human brain is an important part of this analysis, because biological brains clearly outperform man-made information […]

24 Feb Intro to the End of Code

Punched Card Stack

By: Joe Roushar – February 2013 In the Beginning When computer programming began, it consisted mostly of written computer instructions called code. Data was minimal. Decks of dozens to hundreds of punched cards told the computer what to do with the data, which was also encoded on punched cards. The process of writing and debugging code was tremendously tedious. As computing […]

21 Jan Gating in Human Reasoning


Both neuroscience and computer science have borrowed the metaphor of the gate for representing the function of letting some things go through and restricting others. In computing it is mostly a binary function: if the gate is closed, nothing comes in, if the gate is open, everything that is at the threshold comes in. I chose the pictures above because gates […]