Tag Archives: neurons
16 Mar Neurons – Section 2 Intro

Neurons: Processing Elements or Storage Cells? In the Brains section of this blog, we examine the brain, its areas, and the types of neurons that populate the different layers of some of the brain’s areas. My posts in this segment will turn up the magnification and look a little deeper. What can be seen inside the cells? What is it that […]
06 Mar Correlation in Neuroeconomics

I find that driving when my body is tense, especially on slick roads or in poor visibility, is uncomfortable to the point of danger. Stress is a killer. I found, as a student, that relaxing at the piano just before going in to the test helped me perform better (on the test). I think many […]
19 Jan Theories on Microtubules’ Function in Thought

Microtubule Functions Continuing to look inside neurons for the knowledge storage and processing mechanisms, let’s consider what Microtubules do. Microtubules serve many clearly identified functions. These functions include acting as structural members of the cytoskeleton, providing cellular orientation, and guiding membrane and cytoplasmic movements. In addition to these known functions, there is evidence that suggests […]
27 Dec Cytoskeleton Components in Cognition

A Neuron’s Skeleton Unlike the external structure of many spheroid and amorphous cells, the external structure of neurons is complex and rigidly determined. As you may remember from earlier posts, the many different types of neurons residing in particular cortical strata (in layers of the gray and white matter) each have distinctive characteristics that enable […]
24 Dec Neuron Components and Cybernetics

What About Cybernetics? The properties of subcellular neuron components, also known as organelles, are important to this research because they might contribute to the information acquisition, storage, accessing and maintenance systems of the brain. I plan to further discuss the reason for separating storage and maintenance in a post in the section on cognition. These […]
22 Dec Modeling Neural Interconnections

Neuron Branching The characteristic that distinguishes neurons from other types of cells is that they have things sticking out all over them. This phenomenon is called branching or arborization. While all cells are capable of sprouting appendages like cilia or dendrites, only some actually do. Cells that branch do so for specific reasons that are essential […]
15 Sep What is Inside Neurons?

Intracellular Structure of Neurons In earlier posts, we examined the brain, its areas, and the types of neurons that populate the different layers of some of the brain’s areas. In this post and more to follow, we will turn up the magnification and look a little deeper. What can be seen inside the cells? What […]
06 Sep Varieties of Neural Circuits in the Cerebellum

The Cerebellum In this post we explore the roles and varieties of neural circuits of the cerebellum in motor control and the maintenance of life-support systems. The layers of the cerebellum have different cell populations, and the types of cells have radically different forms. Three main points will be made today: the morphology of cells and layers […]
05 Jul Motor Center Structure and Function

The past few posts in this section have focused on the Cerebrum where thought seems to be centered: we may compare this to a computer. The Cerebellum is where signals for the muscles’ motor control originate: we may compare this to a robot. My point in looking at this is to reinforce the heterogeneity perspective (i.e. […]