20 Aug Sustainable Software: Three Ways to Future-Proof Enterprise IT

Joe Roushar – August 2016 I have often heard COOs and CIOs lament the fact that systems need to be replaced too frequently because they tend to be brittle and costly to adapt. Yet changes in the marketplace and regulations force companies to update automation capabilities, often requiring rapid change. Mergers and acquisitions compound the problem […]
27 Jun Enterprise Meta-Model Governance

Joe Roushar – June 2016 Is knowledge important to you or your organization? What value does it bring? Are there types of knowledge that are more valuable than others? Do you know where your knowledge is right now, and what it’s doing? Business Knowledge comes in multiple flavors. Business Information systems are used to process data or […]
05 Jan Another Great Year in Cyberspace

2015 promises to be a good one. Going into the year we see massive progress in the “big data” movement ushering in unparalleled convergence of structured and unstructured content. I am seeing more model-based solutions, and broader use of semantics and ontologies in enterprise solutions. Mobile apps are getting smarter all the time with time […]
22 Jul Context Collapse: Communication Without Boundaries

In social media, “Context is everything” – says Danna Boyd. And although she is completely correct, the picture is much larger than just social media. In all media, and all communication, context is essential to understanding (Video). Los Angeles Clippers Owner, Donald Sterling was stung and surprised by the fact that his recorded statements indicted him as […]
17 Jul Are you who you say you are?

Humans are capable of prolonged kindness and extreme altruistic behavior. We are also capable of aggravating selfishness and unthinkable cruelty. Different levels of each polar opposite behavior exhibit themselves in the same person – indeed, every person. I believe that context plays an important role in these phenomena: the context of one’s upbringing, ones socio-economic […]
26 Jun The Semantic Web and Model Owls

Standards protect us and constrain us — not like a straight-jacket protects us from ourselves, but more like a governor on the motor protects us from going crazy. Standards organizations such as the Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) are there to coordinate between stakeholders to develop a common way of structuring things. The Object Management Group (OMG) is a […]
07 Jun Finding a Tree in the Forest

Complex Search Finding the information you need can be a problem, particularly when you have to look through tons (or terabytes) of data. I recall when geocaching first became popular. The idea that a technology could create a model for an entertaining activity that connects people in unusual ways is quite diverting. Will it still be popular […]
07 Apr A Good Excuse for Heuristic Logic

Dichotomous logic is useful for reasoning about form or the way things are. Function, or cause and effect, however, is fuzzier because observation may not be enough to exclude other processes that lead to the same result. Heuristic logic applies to function instead of form, prescribing actions based facts. Heuristics often operate at a relatively […]