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Computing hardware, parallel approaches to software and hardware design, automation

18 Aug Neuromorphic Computing

Inside a Neuron

To Mimic is Human When is imitation not flattering or sincere? I try to be sincere in my blogging, and I have tried not to unnecessarily emphasize the computing ability of the human brain, but the whole point of this blog is to imitate it using computers. A neuromorphic (resembling the brain and/or neurons) computing  model […]

15 Aug MIPUS and Association Neurons

Coordinating Areas in the Cerebrum

Association Neurons ==> Coordination Association Neurons are tied to motor neurons, though they are much more numerous (30 to 1 ratio). They have multiple roles depending on where in the nervous system they are found. Innovateus has a convenient primer on this category of nerve cell. To understand the importance of association neurons, consider the plight […]

09 Aug Emotional Intelligence


What Does it Take to Think In describing the role of the hippocampus, we discussed the correlation of various sensory inputs to form a cohesive picture of our physical surroundings. The direct links between the amygdala and the central gray matter demonstrate the importance of emotional feedback or emotional intelligence in cognitive processes. Dr. Travis […]

28 Jul The Democratization of Knowledge

Background Thought

Joe Roushar – July 2012 Knowledge is Power Knowledge is concentrated in too few people (Boyle 1996). People in privileged countries and classes have all they want. Many others don’t know what they don’t know. A huge project called One Laptop Per Child is seeking to remedy this one child at a time. This is one […]

12 Jul [Wysocki 1997]

21 Jun The Coming Revolution


Another Revolution in  Computing – Knowledge Processing Where cognition and computation converge…the brink of the coming revolution? As James Bailey puts it, “The reason today’s electronic computers seem benign is that the true electronic revolution has not happened yet.” Bailey compares our current phase of computerization to the stage of history “when muscle tasks were […]

11 Jun Dawn of The Age of Knowledge

Age of Knowledge

Sunset in The Information Age We stand in the waning days of the Information Age. Certainly the information already available to the searching mind through printed, recorded, and encoded electronic media spans the universe of fact and imagination. I have been told that we are now entering the Age of Context. This is exciting to […]

09 Jun What’s the Point (of this blog)?

Digital Brain

Knowledge Glut? Too many of us are stuck on the on-ramp of the information superhighway, waiting to get on.  The highway seems to be moving from my vantage point, but there is this guy stopped at the top of the ramp. Sometimes you just have to get out and walk. By the way, this photo shows […]

09 Jun The End of Code

Joe's Ontology

09 Jun AI Apps and Processes

Apps Section Logo