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08 Feb The Power of Inference

Joe Roushar – February 2024 Sense Perception and Cognition What can you infer about the things in this picture: Our senses are constantly feeding information to our brains, but how much can we trust? Inference is guesswork performed by the frontal cortex based on circuitous electrical signal pathways from the sensory parts of the brain, […]

25 Jan Pure Democracy: a New World Disorder

Indigenous Healer

Joe Roushar – January 2023 What are You Talking About? Is pure democracy possible in human society? Introducing everyone to a truly democratic society would put them on the same footing – provide a kind of equality and shared opportunity that philosophers have envisioned for millennia. Yet experience has shown us that some delegated decision […]

10 Jun Knowledge is the New Foundation for Success

Interconnected Process and Content

Joe Roushar – June 2020 Retooling for The Beginning of a New Age This year, 2020 will be the turning point in AI adoption because successful implementations will be available to small and large organizations without breaking the bank. Success will be measured in specific business value achieved. Affordability will dramatically improve because of AI […]

29 Jan Will Computers Ever Understand Me?

By: Joe Roushar – January 2020 I think I understand Ideas of devices becoming sentient need not be frightening. Thinking and being seem to be tightly bound: Je pense, donc je suis (Descartes 1628). Some have riffed on René’s theme to suggest the idea that sentience is defined by symbolic thought and expression (language), but […]

01 May Intent Models for Competitive Advantage

Concept Graph for Business

Joe Roushar – May 2019 Competitive Advantage Is your organization ready for a future with significantly more advanced and competitive information management strategies? Are you ready for the inevitable turbulence that accompanies changes: even those that are mostly evolutionary, but some revolutionary? It’s time for Enterprise Information Management (EIM) to grow up and assume its rightful […]

12 Jul Anatomy of Insight: Prediction and Qualitative BI

Anatomy of Insight

Joe Roushar – July 2018 Not just any body Body is a versatile word as it has broad application. In the context of astronomy, we describe celestial bodies. In topographical mapping, there are bodies of water. But in my interactions, I most often encounter “body” in the context of human physiology. The word, “body” implies […]

04 Jul Cognitive Multi-Processing

Layered Model

Joe Roushar – July 2017 Divide and Conquer Swarm computing applications, with large numbers of autonomous agents are beginning to appear and deliver stunning results. The combination of autonomy, simple tasks and parallelism has great power. Today I’ll address parallel computing and models for breaking down computational problems. I will not address the question of autonomy today, […]

09 Jan 2017 – The Year of AI


Joe Roushar – January 2017 Intelligent but Artificial Recently, January 5th, 2017, on my ride into work I was listening to BBC World Update with Dan Damon, as I often do, and heard him interviewing someone about the new artificial intelligence (AI) app for the British National Health Service from Babylon Health (similar story on […]