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27 Dec Cytoskeleton Components in Cognition


A Neuron’s Skeleton Unlike the external structure of many spheroid and amorphous cells, the external structure of neurons is complex and rigidly determined. As you may remember from earlier posts, the many different types of neurons residing in particular cortical strata (in layers of the gray and white matter) each have distinctive characteristics that enable […]

06 Sep Varieties of Neural Circuits in the Cerebellum

Cerebellum Gross Structure

The Cerebellum In this post we explore the roles and varieties of neural circuits of the cerebellum in motor control and the maintenance of life-support systems. The layers of the cerebellum have different cell populations, and the types of cells have radically different forms. Three main points will be made today: the morphology of cells and layers […]

27 Aug Brain Correlation Processes

Central accumulator and peripheral contributors

Many computer systems focus on a single capability, one task or just one dimension of a complex process. Sentient brain activity is an example of a complex process with many dimensions. Optical character recognition, such as identifying a capital “Q” on a piece of paper, is an example of a problem with three dimensions: Length, […]

09 Jun Fuzzy Logic and the Mind-Brain Dichotomy

Fuzzy Guy