Category Archives: Business
20 Oct High 5s of Intelligent Information Modeling

Joe Roushar – October 2015 Quantitative data is easy to make into useful information by establishing correct associations and providing human experts with the right slicing and dicing tools. But in its native format, data is not independently meaningful. Many qualitative content sources are narrative, born as whole information. Such content is advanced beyond data because of the built-in associations, but inevitably […]
08 Feb Just In Time Knowledge

One of the beautiful things about the human brain is it’s adaptability: people can “change” their minds at the last minute based on the changing situation (context). This is not trivial, but I believe that it is one of the characteristics of human cognition that is relatively straightforward to mimic in computer programs and apps. In […]
26 Jan Give Me Smart Requirements

I know how to solve this problem! I’ll just blast it to smithereens – Fire – Aim – Ready. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been explored and developed in universities and startup companies throughout the developed world for decades, but is still struggling to reach the mainstream. There are many companies that effectively use intelligent processes and […]
07 Jan What’s in a Decision

A decision by any other name would feel as risky Take any class of software and you can find some structures or processes that you can associate back to some human-like structure or processes. To keep this more simple and relevant, I am focused on looking at systems that are fundamentally designed to replicate more […]
27 Dec Visualization Deception

The differences between the way computers think about things and the way humans process information can create significant dissonance and opportunities for misunderstanding. Both are in the business of finding answers, but approaches differ. While for humans, things we see with our eyes may be earliest and foremost in our thought process, it is almost always the […]
05 Jun Intelligent Traveling Salesmen

Another Sample Problem Several specific reasoning or inference problems have provided fodder for AI textbooks and experiments. One of these is the traveling salesman problem (Get an explanation and an example applet here): Given a traveling salesman who must get to x number of cities, find the shortest route the salesman can travel to reach […]
01 Oct Methodology or Mythology

Call me a “nut”, but I have always been enthralled by science fiction. An image of Dave, a surprised and confused astronaut from 2001, a Space Odyssey, stays in my mind. In his eyes, I could see his brain working frantically to figure out how to master the situation, and giving way to hopelessness. The […]
22 Aug Unlocking the Power of Unruly Systems

Rules are the basis of all good decisions. Humans learn learn them through observation and nurture. Can systems do the same thing – can they learn through observation and nurture? I propose that they can. At it’s simplest, a rule takes the form of a premise (“IF clause”) and conclusion (“THEN clause”) and can be stated in natural […]