Author: Cater, J.
Title: Electronically Speaking: Computer Speech Generation
Date: 1983 Indianapolis, IN
Publisher: Howard W. Sams & Co.
This book gives you a solid framework of the basics in computer speech generation. It is concise and well-organized.
AI programming
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The Game of Meanings
Context — The Phenomenon
Biological Brains
[Adams 1982] Life the Universe and Everything
[Adams 1986] Hitchhiker's Guide
[Adams 1996]
[Aho 1972]
[Ahuja 1986]
[Alberts 1989]
[Allen 1987]
[Anderson 1983]
[Anderson 1988]
[Aristotle (1) 1952]
[Aristotle (2) 1952]
[Aristotle (3) 1952]
[Aristotle (4) 1952]
[Aristotle (5) 1952]
[Aristotle (6) 1952]
[Arwood 1983]
[Bailey 1996]
[Ballard 1982]
[Barr 1981]
[Barr 1982]
[Barr 1989]
[Barry 1996]
[Bartlett 1932]
[Baumgartner 1995]
[Bienenstock 1982]
[Bobrow 1975]
[Booch 1986]
[Bresnan 1978]
[Boyle 1996]
[Calvin 1996]
[Campbell 1989]
[Capra 1996]
[Carpenter 1978]
[Carpenter 1988]
[Carrico 1989]
[Casti 1996]
[Cater 1983]
[Cater 1984]
[Caudill 1989]
[Cercone 1984]
[Charniak 1987]
[Chomsky 1968]
[Chomsky 1986]
[Chorafas 1992]
[Churchland 1986]
[Churchland 1989]
[Cofer 1976]
[Cohen 1982]
[Cooper 1985]
[Cooper 1996]
[Corsi 1991]
[Cottrell 1987]
[Crane 1981]
[Cromer 1997]
[Curtis 1990]
[DeValois 1965]
[Dennett 1978]
[Dennett 1991]
[DeRose 1988]
[Desrochers 1987]
[Devlin 1997]
[Dressler 1988]
[Dreyfus 1986]
[Duda 1973]
[Elman 1988]
[Entsminger 1995]
[Feigenbaum 1963]
[Feigenbaum 1983]
[Feldman 1982]
[Feldman 1989]
[Fodor 1983]
[Fukushima 1988]
[Gardner 1985]
[Gear 1969]
[Gelernter 1988]
[Genesereth 1987]
[Giarratano 1989]
[Gluhbegovic 1980]
[Goldberg 1989]
[Golden 1988]
[Gonda 1949]
[Graesser 1990]
[Greenfield 1995]
[Grishman 1986]
[Grossberg 1976]
[Grosz 1986]
[Guilford 1978]
[Hameroff 1982]
[Hammond 1970]
[Hammond 1988]
[Hanson 1987]
[Harris 1987]
[Harris 1988]
[Hawking 1988]
[Haynes 1982]
[Heath 1983]
[Hebb 1949]
[Hewitt 1986]
[Hinton 1984]
[Hirst 1987]
[Hodgkin 1964]
[Holland 1975]
[Hubel 1962]
[Hubel 1968]
[Hubel 1979]
[Hubel 1988]
[Hwang 1985]
[Hwang 1989]
[Hyams 1986]
[Jackendoff 1972]
[James 1890]
[Jamieson 1987]
[Jappinen 1986]
[Jorgensen 1973]
[Kac 1978]
[Kandel 1985]
[Kater 1985]
[Kintsch 1988]
[Koestler 1967]
[Lamb 1964]
[Lamb 1966]
[LeDoux 1996]
[Linck 1982]
[Linck 1989]
[Llinás 1989]
[Locke 1689]
[Lucky 1989]
[Macaulay 1988]
[MacLennan 1987]
[Marr 1982]
[Matsumoto 1983]
[Matsumoto 1987]
[Mauldin 1991]
[May 1985]
[McClelland 1981]
[McCulloch 1943]
[Mel'cuk 1987]
[Menyuk 1988]
[Michalski 1986]
[Miller 1976]
[Minsky 1968]
[Minsky 1969]
[Minsky 1975]
[Minsky 1986]
[Montgomery 1989]
[Nadel 1989]
[Nagel 1986]
[Nathanson 1989]
[Negroponte 1995]
[Newell 1962]
[Nilsson 1982]
[Nirenburg 1987]
[Niven 1974]
[Nolte 1981]
[O'Keefe 1989]
[O'Leary 1987]
[Obermeier 1988]
[Okunishi 1987]
[Orfali 1996]
[Pansky 1988]
[Pao 1989]
[Papert 1980]
[Pereira 1986]
[Peters 1991]
[Pickover 1990]
[Pinker 1984]
[Plato 1952]
[Plato 1952 (2)]
[Prerau 1990]
[Pylyshyn 1984]
[Ranka 1988]
[Robson 1981]
[Rosenblatt 1958]
[Rosenthal 1977]
[Rumelhart 1986]
[Sanders 1988]
[Schank 1972]
[Schank 1973]
[Schank 1976]
[Schank 1986]
[Schroeder 1991]
[Scott 1995]
[Seely Brown 1989]
[Selfridge 1958]
[Shortliffe 1976]
[Singh 1966]
[Skinner 1971]
[Slagle 1963]
[Slagle 1971]
[Slocum 1985]
[Small 1980]
[Soames 1979]
[Sootin 1958]
[Sowa 1984]
[Sprague 1986]
[Squire 1987]
[St. Augustine 1952]
[Stapp 1993]
[Steinert 1988]
[Stemberger 1988]
[Stevens 1988]
[Stevens 1989]
[Stich 1996]
[Stillings 1987]
[Stone 1987]
[Suchman 1987]
[Swaine 1988]
[Tanimoto 1987]
[Thompson 1991]
[Thorndyke 1979]
[Tomita 1986]
[Tou 1974]
[Trinkaus 1985]
[Turing 1936]
[Valiant 1994]
[Van Brunt 1985]
[von der Malsburg 1973]
[von Neumann 1958]
[Weiss 1984]
[Wiener 1961]
[Williams 1975]
[Winograd 1983]
[Winston 1975]
[Winston 1984]
[Zechmeister 1982]
AI Modeling
Natural Language
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
[Roshen 2009]
System Engineering
[Fiammante 2010]
[Kallenberg 2010]
[Olofsson 2005]
[Laguna 2004]
Science Fiction
Words and Morphology
[Fensel 2004]
[Goethe 1948]
[Kafatos 1990]
[Lenat 1989]
[Martin, 1996]
[Kurzweil 1990]
[Kuffler 1984]
Biological Networking
Perception and Cognition
Fuzzy Logic and the Mind-Brain Dichotomy
Natural Language and Dialog
Cybernetic Modeling
AI Apps and Processes
The End of Code
[Panksepp 1998]
[Moses et al BC]
[Hilbert 2011]
[Wysocki 1997]
[Donald 1991]
[Robinson 2010]
[Gleiser 1997]
[Glimcher 2003]
[Chisholm 2004]
[Kant 1781]
[McMillan 2012]
Table of Context
[Erdelyi 1996]
[Descartes 1628]
[Martinez 2009]
[Robbins 2014]
[Hawkins 2004]
[Palladino 1999]
[Fogel 2002]
[Mountcastle 1978]
[Davidson 2003]
[Nguyen 2006]
[Saussure 1974]
[De Valois 1982]
[Huang 2007] Pragmatics
[Eagleman 2012]
[Haley 2008]
[Aceto 2007] Reactive Systems: Modelling Specification and Verification
[Rochat 2003]
[Forgy 1982]
[Dechter 1989]
[Pinker 1999]
[McCreary 2014] NoSQL
[Scoble 2014] Age of Context
[Coulson 2001] Semantic Leaps
[Scott 1976] Type Lattices
[Blackwell 2009]
[Allemang 2011]
[Jakus 2013] Concepts Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
[Gómez-Pérez 2002] Ontology languages for the semantic web
[Cambria 2009]
[Davies 2009] Semantic Knowledge Management
[Singh 2004] Computing commonsense
[McCarthy 1959] Programs with commonsense
Formal Logic
[Searle 1980]
[Muehlhauser 2013]
[Inmon 2015]
[Glass 2015]
[Domingos 2015] The Master Algorithm
Canonical Modeling
[Markoff 2015] Machines of Loving Grace
NISO 2004
[Kelly 2013]
[Fingar 2015]
[van Eijck 2010]
[Zand 1997]
[McChrystal 2015]
[Hockney 1988]
[Carbon 2012]
[Czarnecki 2015]
[Wierzbicka 1996]
[Goddard 1997]
[Deacon 1997]
[Mitrović 1998]
[Samit 2015]
[Merker 2015]
The Game of Meanings
Context — The Phenomenon
Biological Brains
[Adams 1982] Life the Universe and Everything
[Adams 1986] Hitchhiker's Guide
[Adams 1996]
[Aho 1972]
[Ahuja 1986]
[Alberts 1989]
[Allen 1987]
[Anderson 1983]
[Anderson 1988]
[Aristotle (1) 1952]
[Aristotle (2) 1952]
[Aristotle (3) 1952]
[Aristotle (4) 1952]
[Aristotle (5) 1952]
[Aristotle (6) 1952]
[Arwood 1983]
[Bailey 1996]
[Ballard 1982]
[Barr 1981]
[Barr 1982]
[Barr 1989]
[Barry 1996]
[Bartlett 1932]
[Baumgartner 1995]
[Bienenstock 1982]
[Bobrow 1975]
[Booch 1986]
[Bresnan 1978]
[Boyle 1996]
[Calvin 1996]
[Campbell 1989]
[Capra 1996]
[Carpenter 1978]
[Carpenter 1988]
[Carrico 1989]
[Casti 1996]
[Cater 1983]
[Cater 1984]
[Caudill 1989]
[Cercone 1984]
[Charniak 1987]
[Chomsky 1968]
[Chomsky 1986]
[Chorafas 1992]
[Churchland 1986]
[Churchland 1989]
[Cofer 1976]
[Cohen 1982]
[Cooper 1985]
[Cooper 1996]
[Corsi 1991]
[Cottrell 1987]
[Crane 1981]
[Cromer 1997]
[Curtis 1990]
[DeValois 1965]
[Dennett 1978]
[Dennett 1991]
[DeRose 1988]
[Desrochers 1987]
[Devlin 1997]
[Dressler 1988]
[Dreyfus 1986]
[Duda 1973]
[Elman 1988]
[Entsminger 1995]
[Feigenbaum 1963]
[Feigenbaum 1983]
[Feldman 1982]
[Feldman 1989]
[Fodor 1983]
[Fukushima 1988]
[Gardner 1985]
[Gear 1969]
[Gelernter 1988]
[Genesereth 1987]
[Giarratano 1989]
[Gluhbegovic 1980]
[Goldberg 1989]
[Golden 1988]
[Gonda 1949]
[Graesser 1990]
[Greenfield 1995]
[Grishman 1986]
[Grossberg 1976]
[Grosz 1986]
[Guilford 1978]
[Hameroff 1982]
[Hammond 1970]
[Hammond 1988]
[Hanson 1987]
[Harris 1987]
[Harris 1988]
[Hawking 1988]
[Haynes 1982]
[Heath 1983]
[Hebb 1949]
[Hewitt 1986]
[Hinton 1984]
[Hirst 1987]
[Hodgkin 1964]
[Holland 1975]
[Hubel 1962]
[Hubel 1968]
[Hubel 1979]
[Hubel 1988]
[Hwang 1985]
[Hwang 1989]
[Hyams 1986]
[Jackendoff 1972]
[James 1890]
[Jamieson 1987]
[Jappinen 1986]
[Jorgensen 1973]
[Kac 1978]
[Kandel 1985]
[Kater 1985]
[Kintsch 1988]
[Koestler 1967]
[Lamb 1964]
[Lamb 1966]
[LeDoux 1996]
[Linck 1982]
[Linck 1989]
[Llinás 1989]
[Locke 1689]
[Lucky 1989]
[Macaulay 1988]
[MacLennan 1987]
[Marr 1982]
[Matsumoto 1983]
[Matsumoto 1987]
[Mauldin 1991]
[May 1985]
[McClelland 1981]
[McCulloch 1943]
[Mel'cuk 1987]
[Menyuk 1988]
[Michalski 1986]
[Miller 1976]
[Minsky 1968]
[Minsky 1969]
[Minsky 1975]
[Minsky 1986]
[Montgomery 1989]
[Nadel 1989]
[Nagel 1986]
[Nathanson 1989]
[Negroponte 1995]
[Newell 1962]
[Nilsson 1982]
[Nirenburg 1987]
[Niven 1974]
[Nolte 1981]
[O'Keefe 1989]
[O'Leary 1987]
[Obermeier 1988]
[Okunishi 1987]
[Orfali 1996]
[Pansky 1988]
[Pao 1989]
[Papert 1980]
[Pereira 1986]
[Peters 1991]
[Pickover 1990]
[Pinker 1984]
[Plato 1952]
[Plato 1952 (2)]
[Prerau 1990]
[Pylyshyn 1984]
[Ranka 1988]
[Robson 1981]
[Rosenblatt 1958]
[Rosenthal 1977]
[Rumelhart 1986]
[Sanders 1988]
[Schank 1972]
[Schank 1973]
[Schank 1976]
[Schank 1986]
[Schroeder 1991]
[Scott 1995]
[Seely Brown 1989]
[Selfridge 1958]
[Shortliffe 1976]
[Singh 1966]
[Skinner 1971]
[Slagle 1963]
[Slagle 1971]
[Slocum 1985]
[Small 1980]
[Soames 1979]
[Sootin 1958]
[Sowa 1984]
[Sprague 1986]
[Squire 1987]
[St. Augustine 1952]
[Stapp 1993]
[Steinert 1988]
[Stemberger 1988]
[Stevens 1988]
[Stevens 1989]
[Stich 1996]
[Stillings 1987]
[Stone 1987]
[Suchman 1987]
[Swaine 1988]
[Tanimoto 1987]
[Thompson 1991]
[Thorndyke 1979]
[Tomita 1986]
[Tou 1974]
[Trinkaus 1985]
[Turing 1936]
[Valiant 1994]
[Van Brunt 1985]
[von der Malsburg 1973]
[von Neumann 1958]
[Weiss 1984]
[Wiener 1961]
[Williams 1975]
[Winograd 1983]
[Winston 1975]
[Winston 1984]
[Zechmeister 1982]
AI Modeling
Natural Language
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
[Roshen 2009]
System Engineering
[Fiammante 2010]
[Kallenberg 2010]
[Olofsson 2005]
[Laguna 2004]
Science Fiction
Words and Morphology
[Fensel 2004]
[Goethe 1948]
[Kafatos 1990]
[Lenat 1989]
[Martin, 1996]
[Kurzweil 1990]
[Kuffler 1984]
Biological Networking
Perception and Cognition
Fuzzy Logic and the Mind-Brain Dichotomy
Natural Language and Dialog
Cybernetic Modeling
AI Apps and Processes
The End of Code
[Panksepp 1998]
[Moses et al BC]
[Hilbert 2011]
[Wysocki 1997]
[Donald 1991]
[Robinson 2010]
[Gleiser 1997]
[Glimcher 2003]
[Chisholm 2004]
[Kant 1781]
[McMillan 2012]
Table of Context
[Erdelyi 1996]
[Descartes 1628]
[Martinez 2009]
[Robbins 2014]
[Hawkins 2004]
[Palladino 1999]
[Fogel 2002]
[Mountcastle 1978]
[Davidson 2003]
[Nguyen 2006]
[Saussure 1974]
[De Valois 1982]
[Huang 2007] Pragmatics
[Eagleman 2012]
[Haley 2008]
[Aceto 2007] Reactive Systems: Modelling Specification and Verification
[Rochat 2003]
[Forgy 1982]
[Dechter 1989]
[Pinker 1999]
[McCreary 2014] NoSQL
[Scoble 2014] Age of Context
[Coulson 2001] Semantic Leaps
[Scott 1976] Type Lattices
[Blackwell 2009]
[Allemang 2011]
[Jakus 2013] Concepts Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
[Gómez-Pérez 2002] Ontology languages for the semantic web
[Cambria 2009]
[Davies 2009] Semantic Knowledge Management
[Singh 2004] Computing commonsense
[McCarthy 1959] Programs with commonsense
Formal Logic
[Searle 1980]
[Muehlhauser 2013]
[Inmon 2015]
[Glass 2015]
[Domingos 2015] The Master Algorithm
Canonical Modeling
[Markoff 2015] Machines of Loving Grace
NISO 2004
[Kelly 2013]
[Fingar 2015]
[van Eijck 2010]
[Zand 1997]
[McChrystal 2015]
[Hockney 1988]
[Carbon 2012]
[Czarnecki 2015]
[Wierzbicka 1996]
[Goddard 1997]
[Deacon 1997]
[Mitrović 1998]
[Samit 2015]
[Merker 2015]