Author: Pansky, B, D. Allen & G. C. Budd
Title: Review of Neuroscience, 2nd ed.
Date: 1988 New York
Publisher: Macmillan
This book contains one of the best collections of illustrations on the physiology and functional structure of the brain I’ve found. The illustrations, many of which have inspired illustrations in the NeuroPedia Library, are the core of the value of this book. Every word in Review of Neuroscience is associated with one or more graphics. That is much more than I can say for NeuroPedia, and I consider it an enviable achievement.
brain physiology
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The Game of Meanings
Context — The Phenomenon
Biological Brains
[Adams 1982] Life the Universe and Everything
[Adams 1986] Hitchhiker's Guide
[Adams 1996]
[Aho 1972]
[Ahuja 1986]
[Alberts 1989]
[Allen 1987]
[Anderson 1983]
[Anderson 1988]
[Aristotle (1) 1952]
[Aristotle (2) 1952]
[Aristotle (3) 1952]
[Aristotle (4) 1952]
[Aristotle (5) 1952]
[Aristotle (6) 1952]
[Arwood 1983]
[Bailey 1996]
[Ballard 1982]
[Barr 1981]
[Barr 1982]
[Barr 1989]
[Barry 1996]
[Bartlett 1932]
[Baumgartner 1995]
[Bienenstock 1982]
[Bobrow 1975]
[Booch 1986]
[Bresnan 1978]
[Boyle 1996]
[Calvin 1996]
[Campbell 1989]
[Capra 1996]
[Carpenter 1978]
[Carpenter 1988]
[Carrico 1989]
[Casti 1996]
[Cater 1983]
[Cater 1984]
[Caudill 1989]
[Cercone 1984]
[Charniak 1987]
[Chomsky 1968]
[Chomsky 1986]
[Chorafas 1992]
[Churchland 1986]
[Churchland 1989]
[Cofer 1976]
[Cohen 1982]
[Cooper 1985]
[Cooper 1996]
[Corsi 1991]
[Cottrell 1987]
[Crane 1981]
[Cromer 1997]
[Curtis 1990]
[DeValois 1965]
[Dennett 1978]
[Dennett 1991]
[DeRose 1988]
[Desrochers 1987]
[Devlin 1997]
[Dressler 1988]
[Dreyfus 1986]
[Duda 1973]
[Elman 1988]
[Entsminger 1995]
[Feigenbaum 1963]
[Feigenbaum 1983]
[Feldman 1982]
[Feldman 1989]
[Fodor 1983]
[Fukushima 1988]
[Gardner 1985]
[Gear 1969]
[Gelernter 1988]
[Genesereth 1987]
[Giarratano 1989]
[Gluhbegovic 1980]
[Goldberg 1989]
[Golden 1988]
[Gonda 1949]
[Graesser 1990]
[Greenfield 1995]
[Grishman 1986]
[Grossberg 1976]
[Grosz 1986]
[Guilford 1978]
[Hameroff 1982]
[Hammond 1970]
[Hammond 1988]
[Hanson 1987]
[Harris 1987]
[Harris 1988]
[Hawking 1988]
[Haynes 1982]
[Heath 1983]
[Hebb 1949]
[Hewitt 1986]
[Hinton 1984]
[Hirst 1987]
[Hodgkin 1964]
[Holland 1975]
[Hubel 1962]
[Hubel 1968]
[Hubel 1979]
[Hubel 1988]
[Hwang 1985]
[Hwang 1989]
[Hyams 1986]
[Jackendoff 1972]
[James 1890]
[Jamieson 1987]
[Jappinen 1986]
[Jorgensen 1973]
[Kac 1978]
[Kandel 1985]
[Kater 1985]
[Kintsch 1988]
[Koestler 1967]
[Lamb 1964]
[Lamb 1966]
[LeDoux 1996]
[Linck 1982]
[Linck 1989]
[Llinás 1989]
[Locke 1689]
[Lucky 1989]
[Macaulay 1988]
[MacLennan 1987]
[Marr 1982]
[Matsumoto 1983]
[Matsumoto 1987]
[Mauldin 1991]
[May 1985]
[McClelland 1981]
[McCulloch 1943]
[Mel'cuk 1987]
[Menyuk 1988]
[Michalski 1986]
[Miller 1976]
[Minsky 1968]
[Minsky 1969]
[Minsky 1975]
[Minsky 1986]
[Montgomery 1989]
[Nadel 1989]
[Nagel 1986]
[Nathanson 1989]
[Negroponte 1995]
[Newell 1962]
[Nilsson 1982]
[Nirenburg 1987]
[Niven 1974]
[Nolte 1981]
[O'Keefe 1989]
[O'Leary 1987]
[Obermeier 1988]
[Okunishi 1987]
[Orfali 1996]
[Pansky 1988]
[Pao 1989]
[Papert 1980]
[Pereira 1986]
[Peters 1991]
[Pickover 1990]
[Pinker 1984]
[Plato 1952]
[Plato 1952 (2)]
[Prerau 1990]
[Pylyshyn 1984]
[Ranka 1988]
[Robson 1981]
[Rosenblatt 1958]
[Rosenthal 1977]
[Rumelhart 1986]
[Sanders 1988]
[Schank 1972]
[Schank 1973]
[Schank 1976]
[Schank 1986]
[Schroeder 1991]
[Scott 1995]
[Seely Brown 1989]
[Selfridge 1958]
[Shortliffe 1976]
[Singh 1966]
[Skinner 1971]
[Slagle 1963]
[Slagle 1971]
[Slocum 1985]
[Small 1980]
[Soames 1979]
[Sootin 1958]
[Sowa 1984]
[Sprague 1986]
[Squire 1987]
[St. Augustine 1952]
[Stapp 1993]
[Steinert 1988]
[Stemberger 1988]
[Stevens 1988]
[Stevens 1989]
[Stich 1996]
[Stillings 1987]
[Stone 1987]
[Suchman 1987]
[Swaine 1988]
[Tanimoto 1987]
[Thompson 1991]
[Thorndyke 1979]
[Tomita 1986]
[Tou 1974]
[Trinkaus 1985]
[Turing 1936]
[Valiant 1994]
[Van Brunt 1985]
[von der Malsburg 1973]
[von Neumann 1958]
[Weiss 1984]
[Wiener 1961]
[Williams 1975]
[Winograd 1983]
[Winston 1975]
[Winston 1984]
[Zechmeister 1982]
AI Modeling
Natural Language
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
[Roshen 2009]
System Engineering
[Fiammante 2010]
[Kallenberg 2010]
[Olofsson 2005]
[Laguna 2004]
Science Fiction
Words and Morphology
[Fensel 2004]
[Goethe 1948]
[Kafatos 1990]
[Lenat 1989]
[Martin, 1996]
[Kurzweil 1990]
[Kuffler 1984]
Biological Networking
Perception and Cognition
Fuzzy Logic and the Mind-Brain Dichotomy
Natural Language and Dialog
Cybernetic Modeling
AI Apps and Processes
The End of Code
[Panksepp 1998]
[Moses et al BC]
[Hilbert 2011]
[Wysocki 1997]
[Donald 1991]
[Robinson 2010]
[Gleiser 1997]
[Glimcher 2003]
[Chisholm 2004]
[Kant 1781]
[McMillan 2012]
Table of Context
[Erdelyi 1996]
[Descartes 1628]
[Martinez 2009]
[Robbins 2014]
[Hawkins 2004]
[Palladino 1999]
[Fogel 2002]
[Mountcastle 1978]
[Davidson 2003]
[Nguyen 2006]
[Saussure 1974]
[De Valois 1982]
[Huang 2007] Pragmatics
[Eagleman 2012]
[Haley 2008]
[Aceto 2007] Reactive Systems: Modelling Specification and Verification
[Rochat 2003]
[Forgy 1982]
[Dechter 1989]
[Pinker 1999]
[McCreary 2014] NoSQL
[Scoble 2014] Age of Context
[Coulson 2001] Semantic Leaps
[Scott 1976] Type Lattices
[Blackwell 2009]
[Allemang 2011]
[Jakus 2013] Concepts Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
[Gómez-Pérez 2002] Ontology languages for the semantic web
[Cambria 2009]
[Davies 2009] Semantic Knowledge Management
[Singh 2004] Computing commonsense
[McCarthy 1959] Programs with commonsense
Formal Logic
[Searle 1980]
[Muehlhauser 2013]
[Inmon 2015]
[Glass 2015]
[Domingos 2015] The Master Algorithm
Canonical Modeling
[Markoff 2015] Machines of Loving Grace
NISO 2004
[Kelly 2013]
[Fingar 2015]
[van Eijck 2010]
[Zand 1997]
[McChrystal 2015]
[Hockney 1988]
[Carbon 2012]
[Czarnecki 2015]
[Wierzbicka 1996]
[Goddard 1997]
[Deacon 1997]
[Mitrović 1998]
[Samit 2015]
[Merker 2015]
The Game of Meanings
Context — The Phenomenon
Biological Brains
[Adams 1982] Life the Universe and Everything
[Adams 1986] Hitchhiker's Guide
[Adams 1996]
[Aho 1972]
[Ahuja 1986]
[Alberts 1989]
[Allen 1987]
[Anderson 1983]
[Anderson 1988]
[Aristotle (1) 1952]
[Aristotle (2) 1952]
[Aristotle (3) 1952]
[Aristotle (4) 1952]
[Aristotle (5) 1952]
[Aristotle (6) 1952]
[Arwood 1983]
[Bailey 1996]
[Ballard 1982]
[Barr 1981]
[Barr 1982]
[Barr 1989]
[Barry 1996]
[Bartlett 1932]
[Baumgartner 1995]
[Bienenstock 1982]
[Bobrow 1975]
[Booch 1986]
[Bresnan 1978]
[Boyle 1996]
[Calvin 1996]
[Campbell 1989]
[Capra 1996]
[Carpenter 1978]
[Carpenter 1988]
[Carrico 1989]
[Casti 1996]
[Cater 1983]
[Cater 1984]
[Caudill 1989]
[Cercone 1984]
[Charniak 1987]
[Chomsky 1968]
[Chomsky 1986]
[Chorafas 1992]
[Churchland 1986]
[Churchland 1989]
[Cofer 1976]
[Cohen 1982]
[Cooper 1985]
[Cooper 1996]
[Corsi 1991]
[Cottrell 1987]
[Crane 1981]
[Cromer 1997]
[Curtis 1990]
[DeValois 1965]
[Dennett 1978]
[Dennett 1991]
[DeRose 1988]
[Desrochers 1987]
[Devlin 1997]
[Dressler 1988]
[Dreyfus 1986]
[Duda 1973]
[Elman 1988]
[Entsminger 1995]
[Feigenbaum 1963]
[Feigenbaum 1983]
[Feldman 1982]
[Feldman 1989]
[Fodor 1983]
[Fukushima 1988]
[Gardner 1985]
[Gear 1969]
[Gelernter 1988]
[Genesereth 1987]
[Giarratano 1989]
[Gluhbegovic 1980]
[Goldberg 1989]
[Golden 1988]
[Gonda 1949]
[Graesser 1990]
[Greenfield 1995]
[Grishman 1986]
[Grossberg 1976]
[Grosz 1986]
[Guilford 1978]
[Hameroff 1982]
[Hammond 1970]
[Hammond 1988]
[Hanson 1987]
[Harris 1987]
[Harris 1988]
[Hawking 1988]
[Haynes 1982]
[Heath 1983]
[Hebb 1949]
[Hewitt 1986]
[Hinton 1984]
[Hirst 1987]
[Hodgkin 1964]
[Holland 1975]
[Hubel 1962]
[Hubel 1968]
[Hubel 1979]
[Hubel 1988]
[Hwang 1985]
[Hwang 1989]
[Hyams 1986]
[Jackendoff 1972]
[James 1890]
[Jamieson 1987]
[Jappinen 1986]
[Jorgensen 1973]
[Kac 1978]
[Kandel 1985]
[Kater 1985]
[Kintsch 1988]
[Koestler 1967]
[Lamb 1964]
[Lamb 1966]
[LeDoux 1996]
[Linck 1982]
[Linck 1989]
[Llinás 1989]
[Locke 1689]
[Lucky 1989]
[Macaulay 1988]
[MacLennan 1987]
[Marr 1982]
[Matsumoto 1983]
[Matsumoto 1987]
[Mauldin 1991]
[May 1985]
[McClelland 1981]
[McCulloch 1943]
[Mel'cuk 1987]
[Menyuk 1988]
[Michalski 1986]
[Miller 1976]
[Minsky 1968]
[Minsky 1969]
[Minsky 1975]
[Minsky 1986]
[Montgomery 1989]
[Nadel 1989]
[Nagel 1986]
[Nathanson 1989]
[Negroponte 1995]
[Newell 1962]
[Nilsson 1982]
[Nirenburg 1987]
[Niven 1974]
[Nolte 1981]
[O'Keefe 1989]
[O'Leary 1987]
[Obermeier 1988]
[Okunishi 1987]
[Orfali 1996]
[Pansky 1988]
[Pao 1989]
[Papert 1980]
[Pereira 1986]
[Peters 1991]
[Pickover 1990]
[Pinker 1984]
[Plato 1952]
[Plato 1952 (2)]
[Prerau 1990]
[Pylyshyn 1984]
[Ranka 1988]
[Robson 1981]
[Rosenblatt 1958]
[Rosenthal 1977]
[Rumelhart 1986]
[Sanders 1988]
[Schank 1972]
[Schank 1973]
[Schank 1976]
[Schank 1986]
[Schroeder 1991]
[Scott 1995]
[Seely Brown 1989]
[Selfridge 1958]
[Shortliffe 1976]
[Singh 1966]
[Skinner 1971]
[Slagle 1963]
[Slagle 1971]
[Slocum 1985]
[Small 1980]
[Soames 1979]
[Sootin 1958]
[Sowa 1984]
[Sprague 1986]
[Squire 1987]
[St. Augustine 1952]
[Stapp 1993]
[Steinert 1988]
[Stemberger 1988]
[Stevens 1988]
[Stevens 1989]
[Stich 1996]
[Stillings 1987]
[Stone 1987]
[Suchman 1987]
[Swaine 1988]
[Tanimoto 1987]
[Thompson 1991]
[Thorndyke 1979]
[Tomita 1986]
[Tou 1974]
[Trinkaus 1985]
[Turing 1936]
[Valiant 1994]
[Van Brunt 1985]
[von der Malsburg 1973]
[von Neumann 1958]
[Weiss 1984]
[Wiener 1961]
[Williams 1975]
[Winograd 1983]
[Winston 1975]
[Winston 1984]
[Zechmeister 1982]
AI Modeling
Natural Language
Neural Networks
Parallel Computing
Pattern Recognition
[Roshen 2009]
System Engineering
[Fiammante 2010]
[Kallenberg 2010]
[Olofsson 2005]
[Laguna 2004]
Science Fiction
Words and Morphology
[Fensel 2004]
[Goethe 1948]
[Kafatos 1990]
[Lenat 1989]
[Martin, 1996]
[Kurzweil 1990]
[Kuffler 1984]
Biological Networking
Perception and Cognition
Fuzzy Logic and the Mind-Brain Dichotomy
Natural Language and Dialog
Cybernetic Modeling
AI Apps and Processes
The End of Code
[Panksepp 1998]
[Moses et al BC]
[Hilbert 2011]
[Wysocki 1997]
[Donald 1991]
[Robinson 2010]
[Gleiser 1997]
[Glimcher 2003]
[Chisholm 2004]
[Kant 1781]
[McMillan 2012]
Table of Context
[Erdelyi 1996]
[Descartes 1628]
[Martinez 2009]
[Robbins 2014]
[Hawkins 2004]
[Palladino 1999]
[Fogel 2002]
[Mountcastle 1978]
[Davidson 2003]
[Nguyen 2006]
[Saussure 1974]
[De Valois 1982]
[Huang 2007] Pragmatics
[Eagleman 2012]
[Haley 2008]
[Aceto 2007] Reactive Systems: Modelling Specification and Verification
[Rochat 2003]
[Forgy 1982]
[Dechter 1989]
[Pinker 1999]
[McCreary 2014] NoSQL
[Scoble 2014] Age of Context
[Coulson 2001] Semantic Leaps
[Scott 1976] Type Lattices
[Blackwell 2009]
[Allemang 2011]
[Jakus 2013] Concepts Ontologies and Knowledge Representation
[Gómez-Pérez 2002] Ontology languages for the semantic web
[Cambria 2009]
[Davies 2009] Semantic Knowledge Management
[Singh 2004] Computing commonsense
[McCarthy 1959] Programs with commonsense
Formal Logic
[Searle 1980]
[Muehlhauser 2013]
[Inmon 2015]
[Glass 2015]
[Domingos 2015] The Master Algorithm
Canonical Modeling
[Markoff 2015] Machines of Loving Grace
NISO 2004
[Kelly 2013]
[Fingar 2015]
[van Eijck 2010]
[Zand 1997]
[McChrystal 2015]
[Hockney 1988]
[Carbon 2012]
[Czarnecki 2015]
[Wierzbicka 1996]
[Goddard 1997]
[Deacon 1997]
[Mitrović 1998]
[Samit 2015]
[Merker 2015]