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Ontological thinking began a long time ago. It is only just now coming into its own in the computing sphere. Ontology is the key to the end of code.

Understanding Context Bibliographic References by Topic
Click on the links below to go to the references on this topic
Allemang 2011 Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist
Aristotle 1952 (5) Categories (Categoriae) – translated by E. M. Edghill
Cambria 2009 Common Sense Computing: From the Society of the Mind to Digital Intuition and Beyond
Davies 2009 Semantic Knowledge Management
Fensel 2004  Ontologies: A Silver Bullet for Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce
Goethe 1948 The Permanent Goethe
Hilbert 2011 The World’s Technological Capacity to Store Communicate and Compute Information
Schank 1972 Conceptual Dependency: A Theory of Natural Language Understanding
Singh   2004 Computing Commonsense
Sowa 1984  Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine
Swaine 1988 Developing a Taxonomy for Parallel Algorithms [\table]
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Click below to look in each Understanding Context section
Intro Context 1 Brains 2 Neurons 3 Neural Networks
4 Perception and Cognition 5 Fuzzy Logic 6 Language and Dialog 7 Cybernetic Models
8 Apps and Processes 9 The End of Code Glossary Bibliography 


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